Welcome to the Arzaga family photo-blog. When words aren't enough or even necessary, the images alone tell the entire story. Our story.
We hope this greeting finds all our family and friends, happy and healthy. Enjoy our site!
2006 Holiday Newsletter
To our dearest family and friends, we hope this holiday greeting finds you all warm, happy and healthy. 2006 was a banner year for the Arzaga family (see more pictures from 2006 on Snapfish). In contrast to last year's newsletter where we described our many travels, this year we stayed close to our nest. That's because our roost got a little bit bigger with a new addition to our family. We are proud to bring a new life into the world, Joel Thomas Ernesto Arzaga or as we like to call him, Joey. He was born on a Saturday, July 1st. He is a smiley and healthy 8lb 13oz, 20" baby boy with a full mullet at birth.
We were excited to find out we were having another child in November '05, but it became real to Trina and me on Valentine's Day when we found out the gender of 'Cletus-the-fetus'. We were torn what names to bestow our next boy. (Some people were actually relieved we didn't choose Cletus - again.) We finally compromised and favored Joel in the end.
Trina didn't have the easiest pregnancy with Joey; blaming me every five minutes for doing this to her. I was after all, the basis of her nausea and general discomfort for 10 very long lunar months. As a good husband, I accepted all culpability and took it on the chin like a battered ex-champ ready to hit the canvas.
We suppose it's nature's way of fooling us to procreate, but how quickly we forget...just 3 short years ago, we were in the same quagmire. Did we not learn our lessons with our first born while Trina shrieks during delivery? Or when we stumble in the dark to answer the 2 am shrills for feedings; or when we're sprayed with the "fountain of youth", so to speak, while we're changing diapers; or nodding off, half-sleepishly through office meetings. Quite honestly, we couldn't have asked for anything else. We love that we spend our days horsing around the house and our nights reading books and watching tv. We have 2 wonderful boys and 2 wonderful dogs that keep our house unkempt, loud and alive. Just the way we like it.
Big brother Jake wished for neither a baby brother nor sister; but rather, wished for Sydney, his next door neighbor. In other words, he wanted someone who came to visit and play, but never stayed around long enough to endanger his kingdom. Imagine Jake's surprised look when he found out his baby Joey was not a baby kangaroo, but rather a wrinkly coneheaded version of Mini-me. After a couple of days getting used to the idea that Joey was here to stay, Jake warmed up to Joey. Jake is now happy and proud to tell his friends, teachers, and telemarketers that he is Joey's big brother.
Joey joined Jakey at his daycare when mommy returned from maternity leave. He is adjusting well in school and making friends with his classmates and teachers. We cannot express enough how much Joey loves to smile. We like to think Joey's big warm smile makes everyone's day just a little bit brighter. Trina and I can't wait for that moment every day when we see the smiles on both kids after a long day at the office.
Jakers turned three this past April. His vocabulary and interests continue to grow in leaps and bounds. Daddy coached Jake-a-Boo’s first soccer team this fall season. The whole experience was a bit overwhelming for him and half his team. Let's just say, he was the best-dressed soccer player crying on the sidelines.
Jacob still amazes us with his ability to point out the names of every Thomas the Train character in his books and every John Deere tractor and Caterpillar construction vehicle he sees on the road. Unlike the Trekkie that is his daddy, Jake managed to attend every other model train convention in the DC metro area, ride every kiddie train at Burke Lake Park and shopping malls, and visit Strasburg, PA again and again and again.
Older siblings Paddi-cakes and Ty-Ty are getting older in their ways. Both canines prefer to be left alone by their younger counterparts. They still enjoy their walks around the neighborhood and are content sitting out on the front yard and porch.
We were graced with visits from family and friends, especially Lolo, Lola and cousin Aaron, just to say hello and see our kids - both 2-legged and 4-legged varieties. We look forward to Kappa’s weekend visits and it’s always a joy to see cousins Nick, Sean, Will, Mary Elizabeth and all of the DuHoffmans during Thanksgiving. We miss you Tristan, Kyle and Schulyer, who moved their Tweezer chapter to Anchorage, AK.
"I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my family and friends, the old and new." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson.We are grateful for grand-Kappa, Lolo and Lola and all the uncles and aunts who ceaselessly spoil and love their grandkids/nephews whenever Trina and I are busy and tired; for our families, friends and teachers who offer their patience, kind hearts and generosity; you are all a big part of our lives.
We hope you enjoyed this year's edition of the Arzaga Christmas newsletter. Writing it is a lot easier and more interesting when a child enters your world.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Ernesto Arzaga, Jr., Trina Arzaga,
Jacob Arzaga, Joel Arzaga,
Paddington and Tyler too!
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