Redskins Training Camp

After a dreadful summer of watching the losses mount for the Curly Ws and the DCU, we are so glad that football season is upon us. Okay, Trina couldn't care less, but Redskins training camp means one thing - Christmas in July.
Redskins Training Camp

Check out Chris 'Captain Chaos' Cooley's awesome blog. Well worth the read for 'Skins fans.

Joey's 2nd Birthday Weekend

As usual, Joey celebrated his birthday once with his classmates at pre-school, twice at home with friends and neighbors, and thrice for a summer BBQ birthday bash with more friends and family . Happy birthday Joey. We love you!!!
Joey's 2nd Bday 2008

At two years old, Joey is such a boy now. I mean wasn't he a baby just last year? Oh yeah, he was. But the trouble he gets himself into and how he instigates a fight with Jake are so typical of the "terrible twos." Maybe we tolerated Jake's terrible twos because he was our first born, but we find ourselves saying "no" a lot to Joey and sending him to "time-outs" on a frequent occurrence. It doesn't help that he started being "tinky" since he was only 13-15 months and the whining and crying are growing tiresome.

But as his Lola pointed out - is to consider the alternative. If he wasn't acting his age as a boisterous, problem child, than something is wrong. We'd rather he be himself, than worrying about his health or otherwise. He is, after all, a 2 year old boy who wants nothing more in his world but to eat, sleep, and have fun. Hmm, don't we all want that simplicity as adults, too?

July 4th Weekend

We're fortunate to live where our rights and freedom allow us to raise our children in a happy and peaceful community. Regardless of the faltering economy, global warming, and the heartaches felt around the world, I see a bright future for our country and those in every corner of the globe. I have to be, for my kids' sake, and my kids' kids sake.

And to all the many brave men and women, here and abroad, who protect us daily - thank you. We are able to celebrate today just as how our forefathers hope it would be 232 years later. And what better way to celebrate this holiday, than watching fireworks and having a barbecue with our fellow neighbors. Happy Birthday America.