I can't believe that my high school class of 1987 held its...gulp...
20 year reunion at the Hyatt in Fair Lakes, VA. Are you kidding me?!? Has it been 20 years since my pals and I graduated from
Fairfax High? I have co-workers who were barely out of diapers in the mid-80's and some of Joey's teachers weren't even born when I entered FHS...ugh.
It amazes me how much an emotional impact high school was that it still

affects our daily lives and thoughts 20 years later. Members of our class still feel "intimidated" today because of it. One brave Rebel (call her "J") spoke up and wrote,
"in highschool...I felt displaceced... unsure of myself and very much adork. I am no longer a dork...however this whole thing about life wasbest in highschool.... well its not how I feel. So...why should Irevisit... the most awkward part of my life? Im not in any of thepictures... and truth be told... I painfully brought out theyearbook... to even know who the people making posts are. So..yes Imundecided... Id be there if I knew... I have a fun time..but Im notconvinced that it would be an excerise in masochism.
Even though I was disinterested in attending, it was for different reasons. I wandered if anyone would even remember me at all. I didn't know that many people I considered to be close. And those I knew then, I'm still in touch with some of them today. (see the
OBX in August blog.) Alas, I was inspired to join my classmates. As my good friend of 25+ years, Chris Jewell responded back to 'J',
"Most of us were shy and awkward and struggling to figure out our personality and purpose. Twenty years later, presumably we're all at peace with who we are and what we're doing in life. I may have been a generally miserable teenager, but because I'm a happy adult, I will attend the reunion."
So I did. I joined my pals,
Hyong 'Louise' Kim,
Eric (Weinberg) Magruder,
Marcus 'McKinney' and
Chris. I'd rather regret going than not going at all. We gathered at Tony's NY Pizza for a pitcher of beer, or two, or three...and some wings before heading off to the hotel. There, I met old faces and made new friends. It was a chance to laugh and remember about the old times, the hairstyles (where did mine go, by the way?), the songs, the cars, the fads and fashion of 1983-1987. Those high school days were simpler days then --- no mortgage to pay, no children to care for, no worries too big. My biggest worries then were waking up in time for first period in Mr C's math class or taking a pop quiz at Ms Fedricks' English class. Memories of my youth was generally good and it felt good unlocking those faint images that night.

I'm most proud of my 'mates who rallied and re-assured 'J' and the rest of us "dorks." High school is a confusing phase for teenagers and we all cope differently. But we're never alone whenever we reach out for the support and love from our family and friends. It's good seeing those from my past and realizing that teenagers do change into responsible, caring adults.
I realize that high school was at times difficult and overwhelming, but I chose to be happy and survived. I'm not the smartest or the strongest. I know I'm far from perfect, but I adapt and work hard on being a better person. What I see everyday is a challenge to my comfort zone, my self-esteem, my pursuit of happyness.
"Some people walk in the rain. Others just get wet. " - Roger Miller
So a toast to my Class of 1987 at Fairfax High - I am what I am today because of the friendships and experiences I shared with them.
"You've been, you are, and you will always be my friends." --- This one's from my pal Jae Pae (wherever he is).
Reunion photos courtesy of Chris Jewell.
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